Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Review of Montagne Jeunesse Aloe Vera & Willow Blemish Mud

So once in awhile I will have a break out, it happens still, even at an age nearing 30. I wash my face regularly, use creams, and serums to keep my skin looking as fresh and young as possible, and in turn, I still get break outs. Curse of genes.

I decided to try out a mask by Montagne Jeunesse, called, Aloe Vera & Willow Blemish Mud. I hoped using the mud mask would help diminish the breakout and keep future breakout from occurring for the time being. I have used the masks before in the past, and always liked them, so I figured I would like this one too.


Applying the mask is easy enough, you tear open the individual use package, and wipe the mud onto your face.

The scent was semi harsh at first, with a minty sort of tinge to it. I figured the mint would dry out the breakouts I presently had. I was not to keen on that though, because my skin reacts oddly to feeling dry. It will produce more oil, which in turn produces more breakouts.

While drying the mask will leave your face feeling very dry, and extremely tight. It's not an unpleasant feeling though at all.

The mask took around 20 minutes to fully dry to a white clay that eventually I wiped away with a warm moist towel.


My skin felt clean, but as far as feeling like the mask did anything, I sadly would have to say no. Once the clay was cleaned off from my face my skin felt exactly as it would feel after doing a quick facial scrub. Clean, but nothing really else to report.

Now here is where I got really angry about my purchase. You see, the following morning I woke up to 2 brand new basketball sized bruisers on my face.


Garbage. The mud mask was supposed to keep my face from breaking out, but instead it seemed to irritate it so much that it caused 2 monstrous sized pimples to form on my chin and forehead.

All in all, I would suggest skipping out on this one.

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