Sandstone- the name just sounds painful.
Sandstone is soap from Lush that comes with sand attached to the top of the bar of soap; the soap itself is yellow in color and has some clear like white specks of soap in it as well. The sand is used for exfoliation, the soap for moisturization.
I got my free sample from Lush, because this was surely not a soap I would order on my own. Even the lovely picture on the Lush website looks like someone dipped the end of the soap into grits of sandpaper. Lush has this tendency to add odd objects into their products such as seaweed, flowers, confetti, glitter, and fruit. I don’t mind this so much, but sand belongs at the beach, not on my body, not for scrubba dub dubbin in the tubbin.
Because I refuse to waste anything without at least trying it first I had to use my sample cut of Sandstone.
The smell was similar to Lush’s Sexy Peel, but it smelled a little more chemically and fake. Pine Sol rings a bell, Mr. Clean lemon scented floor wash also rings a bell, and pledge. I used it anyways though.
I first rinsed my hair, shampoo/condition, la di dah dii doo. This is always done first to put the Lush soap through the test of time. You see, many Lush soaps have this tendency to melt fast when warm humid air touches it. Sandstone however was like a stone. It took it. It lasted, and only began to sweat at the temperature increase in the bathroom.
I then took the sample soap and began rubbing it all around, scruba dub dub.
At first the sand sort of stood to one end of the bar, but the more I began to scrub and produce lather the more sand came loose and ended up on the entire bar of soap.
It felt gross, but I was indeed getting exfoliation. I rubbed the soap around lightly so I didn’t cut myself, or drag it across my beauty mark on my chest (mole), I figured if I dragged it across my ‘beauty mark’ it would hurt like a son of a gun.
It didn’t take long to see my skin blotching up with red rashes from the sands scratchy surface.
The entire time I felt dirty. It reminded me of the times when I was a wee one and I’d be at the ocean and a wave would clobber me, filling my bathing suit with sand and water, leaving me with the most uncomfortable scrubby feeling.
The sand washed off with some effort. It didn’t take long, but it took far longer than it should have.
Dry Up:
My skin felt like it had just has a good scrubbing with a high textured piece of sandpaper. I was red all over, and still felt dirty, even after washing all of the sand off (Or so I had thought). I had some particles of sand left in areas I care not to talk about.
The lemon scent of the soap had vanished, and all I was left with was raw skin, sand up my keester, and a bad mood.
I ended up jumping back into the shower, and rinsing off with a body wash to make the sick feeling go away.
Where To Buy?
At and local Lush store, or at www.Lush.com for $6.95 for a 3.5oz bar. You can also find it on Ebay or Amazon.
I don’t have sensitive skin, but according to Sandstone I do. It hurt to use it, makes you feel dirty before and after using it. Smell like furniture polish or floor cleaner. Does not moisturize my skin at all. Leaves it raw.
Usually I enjoy my shower, and my Lush goods, but Sandstone was a flop.
Those used to using abrasive exfoliation on there skin. Everyone who is not used to rubbing themselves down with sandpaper should avoid Sandstone.
My review also found on Epi
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