Have you ever gotten something simply because you had a coupon for it
for free? Yet you know that this was something that you would never buy
on your own with your own money?
I do. I do this often and it is only because Bath and Body Works
provides me with a coupon for something for free every single time I go
shopping, whether it be $10.00 off of my order, or a free body wash, I
usually always redeem my free goods, simply because I feel I deserve
My last coupon from Bath 7 Body works was for a free item from their
newest line of hair products C.O Bigelow. The coupon said I could have
anything for free from the line, but the catch was I could not buy
something over $12.00. Hmm... so that left me with 1 choice, seriously 1
choice. C.O Bigelow's Mentha Body Vitamin Wash.
I'll say this, I was a tad disappointed because everything else in the
line was nearly $30.00 and this body wash smelled like spearmint gum
mixed with sugar. It wasn't a nasty scent, but minty scents in the
shower have never been my personal favorites, and besides, I already had
a few mint washes, so I felt I didn't need another. But seeing how it
was free...well yah know...I had to redeem.
C.O Bigelow's Mentha wash comes in a spearmint green stand up tube and
is filled with 8 ounces of gel. I knew that it was not something I
would regularly buy, but what surprised me most about this new line was
it's bland labels. Nothing special, or even eye catching.
I put my Mentha wash to use the next day, by adding a few squirts of
the gel into my bath poof. The spearmint scent opened up my nasal
passage in an almost instant, and I was overwhelmed with the scent of
gum. It was sort of nasty, and washing with toothpaste scents are not my
idea of a nice relaxing shower. Any more mint added in this one and my
eyes would be burning.
It did not take long for a lather to appear as I began to rub the gel
into my skin. The lather was nice, I must say, thick, creamy and silky
feeling all in one, the scent however got too minty and it was all I
could bear before rinsing off. The wash left my skin feeling a cool
tingly sensation, this is what I expected though, besides, what mint
wash doesn't leave you with a cool tingly sensation. It's like
toothpaste for your skin. Ech.
My skin felt moisturized and silky after drying up, so that was a
plus. I could also still smell the mint scent on my skin for a few
moments after that, thankfully though the overpowering mint scent died
down quite a few notches making the scent more bearing.
My skin remained hydrated for quite some time, but son after it began
to feel extremely dry. I looked down at my legs and sure enough they
were so dry it looked as if I was going to crack. My skin does not
normally do this, so I knew the mint wash was the culprit. I had to use
lotion to rid myself of the flaky look.
It is just ashame that one again Bath & Body Works has introduced a
crappy line of products to their collection. I hope to see this
collection leave the shelves never to return, make room for something
worth wild.
C.O Bigelow's Mentha Body Vitamin Body Wash is a rip-off at $12.00. It
is no wonder it went on sale it's first week in stores for $5.00. No
one in their right mind is going to spend $12.00 on this once they smell
it's spearmint toothpaste like scent.
Walk past it. But if you must, do stop and take a sniff at that toothpaste wash, just so you can warn your friends of it.
Bath & Body Works added this nasty product to their shelves in the
beginning of the month, you can also take a peek at it on their site at
www.bathandbodyworks.com. Like I said though, it's not even worth a buy on sale at $5.00.
Lesson Learned:
Don't take something home with you just because it is free. If you
hate it when you smell it in the store, just leave it there. Who has
room for more crap to pile up in their closets anyway?
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