Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Review of Lush Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb

Lush Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb looked pretty phenomenal on the Lush.com website, it featured a large bath bomb with one half of it being white in color, and the other half seemed to be some sort of golden round pellets that were shiny.

When it comes to the Lush website, you never really should go by what you see, because more than half the time you receive something in the mail that looks like an error. My Golden Slumbers bath bomb was white, pure and simply white. I was a little disappointing in that, but I hoped that maybe when I added it to my bath that it would dissolve a little and release this golden slumber wonder.

Sadly that never happened. My bath bomb was pure white from start to finish. It did however release a few unexpected surprises. For some though, the surprise inside of this bath bomb is not always wanted.

Before getting into that though, I wanted to first cover the scent.

Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb smelled like fresh herbs, something I would cook with rather than bath with. The website promised a lavender fragrance, that would induce a sleepy state, while reducing stress. Although I was not 100% fond of the bomb the way it smelled when dry, I knew Lush, and knew how their products could transform in scent once it hit hot water. I hoped with this one that the scent would be more floral, and less spaghetti sauce herbs once I used it.

In The Tub

Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb fizzed away pretty quickly, and while doing so began to release these incredibly ugly brown seeds. Upon closer inspection the brown floating substance seemed to be dried pieces of flowers; likely the lavender.

The scent however remained a high potent herbal note, with no tones whatsoever of lavender that I could detect.

I didn't hate it, but I also was not in love with it.

The Selling Point

Although this bath bomb was semi disappointing while using it, the magic that it included was a golden slumber. I never slept better after using this bath bomb. The light herbal fragrance stuck to my skin and literally helped drift me off to sleep, and I am one who does not sleep well. Once using this bath bomb, the moment I hit the pillow my eyes were getting heavy.


This may not be the best scented bath bomb, but it actually does what I wanted it to do, and that was to aide me in an easy nights sleep. It did just that, and I will likely buy this one again for that, and that alone.

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