Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Review of Steve Madden, Carnaby Booties- Taupe Suede

In this day and age of fashion it seems that everyone is copying one another in order to make high end products affordable to those of us without high end budgets.

I do not mind copycats, as I live for getting fashion bargains with lower prices attached to them.

When it comes to Steve Madden, Carnaby Booties- in Taupe Suede, the very first thing I thought of when I saw them was of Jeffery Campbell Lita boots and how Steve Madden 100% copied their look. But hey, Jeffery Campbell probably copied that look from some other shoe designer.

The Boots:

The Steve Madden, Carnaby Booties come in 2 colors that I am aware of, black and the color that I picked up which is taupe suede.

They feature a gorgeous thick wood stiletto in the back, that stand tall at around 5", with around a 1.5" platform. These shoes look daring, and look like they will be scary to walk in at first, but if you are used to high heels wearing these boots is actually easy considering how thick the back heel is.

They are very easy to walk in, and the overall finish is definitely appealing to both fall and winter seasons. They however do not provide a whole lot of warmth factor to keep your feet toasty warm, however they do the trick well enough and your feet will certainly not freeze while wearing them either.

The added height you get from these also gives off the illusion that your legs are longer and leaner than what they may really be.

Comfort Level:

I am a Bordello stiletto lover, and those shoes are by far more comfy to wear than sneakers in my opinion, however when I bought the Steve Madden, Carnaby Booties, I was expecting them to be even comfier than my stiletto heels, seeing that they are boots, and that the heel in the back was way chunkier.

Sadly these boots actually have a discomfort zone, and you begin to feel it about 3 hours into wear. Mine are the correct size, no pinching and plenty of toe wiggle room. The back however begins to stress the foots arch out, and I found myself getting cramped up in the arch of my foot. I imagine this happens because they have not mastered the perfect shape inside of the shoe.


The boots are nice, attractive on the eyes, and have already managed to reel in a few compliments, however I can only wear them for so long as they stress the arch of my foot out too often.

In my opinion, this takes the $60.00 boot, down to a $20.00 level. So not worth $60.00!

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