Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Bath & Body Works, Davies Gate Bath Fizz Pop with Body Oil Filling: Sugar Plum

I am always out to try new bath bombs, and I tend to hoard them up in the summer months and pop them out when fall arrives. The reasoning is because I enjoy hot baths in the fall more than I do in the summer.
Anyways, while browsing one of my favorite sites on earth I came across a slew of interesting products I had never before seen in my local Bath and Body Works. It was a bath fizz pop created by Davies Gate. The bomb was interesting to me because it had a wooden popsicle stick shoved through the middle of it, and a small package of body oil was attached to this bath bomb.
The directions on the site claimed that you were supposed to pop in the fizz bomb, and then place the oil into the tub to warm up. After the bath, you are to open this oil and rub it on your body. It all seemed neat, but at the same time gross. Oils and my body just don't agree; but because this seemed cool at the time, I placed the order at a very, very high price of $12.00 for a bomb and oil. I had never ever in my life spent so much money on one bath bomb. The damn thing had better be good.
I had the option to choose from a few different scents, but I went with Sugar Plum, because it was a scent I don't ever recall smelling before, so I wanted to try something new.
The bomb itself is a pale colored purple, with small grains of white and dark purple throughout it. The bomb on the site looked as if it was a small 3 ounce bomb, but when it arrived it was actually a decent sized tennis ball, only a wee bit smaller. The oil was packaged, and hanging from the top of the popsicle stick.
I took a sniff of the bomb, and didn't really note much. It smelled like candy and flowers, but very, very mild. I was disappointed with my first initial sniff, but figured once the bomb hit the water, it would activate into this wonderland of a bath. It better for $12.00 plus tax and shipping.
I stored the bomb away for a few weeks, because it was just too dang hot out in our neck of the woods to take a hot bath. However 2 nights ago we had a mild rainy day, which actually made the weather feel like it was October. I knew just what I was planning for when I arrived home for work. I was planning on taking Sugar Plum out of the closet, and using her, and her precious oils.
I ran the hot water, and waited for the tub to fill, only because I like placing the bomb into the tub while I am in there with it. I got it, and held my big ol' purple pop to my nose again. Still the scent was mild. I stuck it into the water, and immediately Sugar Plum began to fizz, I kept dunking the bomb until finally it fell off of the stick. Well that was fun.
My bath water slowly turned a light pretty colored purple, and the water was silky and nice feeling on my skin. However the scent was still mild, and even smelled a wee bit chemically. It wasn't awful, but it did remind me of pool water with a hint of flowers and Valentine's Day heart candies. I wished the scent was a little stronger, because usually when I use bombs the scent sticks on my skin for hours.
Next I plopped the pillow of Sugar Plum oil into the water and let it heat up. I considered popping the thing and just letting it go into the bath water, because the thought of rubbing warm oil onto my skin after a bath was just sickening to the stomach, and I am sure my skin would agree. So I bit a little hole into the corner of the oil, and got some in my mouth. Yes yucky, eww, nasty. I then poured half of the oil into the tub. It pooled up at the surface of the water, and I allowed my skin to take dips through the pool of oil.
The scent was a lot stronger than the bomb, so this was neat. I then splashed the oil slick around, making sure t hit every dang skin cell.
After getting out of the tub and drying up, my skin did feel way more moisturized, and silky. The sweet smell of the bomb/oil stood with me for a few hours, and I liked it.
However my main question to myself was; was it worth $12.00 for a bomb and some oil slicks in my tub?
Definitely not. I have used bath bombs that actually had oils in them that formed oil slicks at the top of my tub for only $4.00.
Davies Gate was clever in his bath fizz scheme. He has it packaged neat, and attractive, guaranteeing that any bath fanatic such as myself would purchase it. So yeah, I feel like an idiot for buying it for $12.00...but it stops there. I won't try another one, unless the price goes down, down, down. I find that $12.00 is WAY too high for the bath experience it delivered. It was nice; yes, but worth it? No.

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