I cannot get enough of Soap & Glory products!!! About a month ago I came across a body scrub that I initially loved, Soap & Glory Sensational Scrub Actually.
As with all Soap & Glory goodies, Sensational Scrub Actually comes in a standard stand up squeeze tube, and it does feature that original delicious amber like musk scent that Soap & Glory products have, only it had a deeper pine scent to it, that reminded me of Christmas trees. I loved it, refreshing scent, and it left skin smooth and feeling like silk.
Unfortunately I discovered something about it that totally grossed me out, and caused me to throw away the entire bottle.
I leave all of my bathing goodies on the side of my tub, and yesterday I went to use some Sensational Scrub Actually to rid my skin of the humidity ick.
When I popped open the pop up lid, I was disgusted by the foul odor it let out.
The cap actually captured and held in some old shower water when it was closed up the last time I used it. Due to this air pocket collecting thee water, it over time collected this foul stench that you smell in dirty ponds; aka mosquito hatching grounds. I'm sure you know the stench. Like when you dump old rain water from a bucket!
Yup, that was the stench left behind that got trapped in the lid.
It totally spoiled the product, which sucked because I did not have it that long, and it was rather pricey at around $12.00 for the scrub.
I wish Soap & Glory would change the lids, because IFoam also had the same issue. It also ended up in the trash, which is a disappointment!
Get This Instead!
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