I adore stopping in at Marshall's every week to see what odd newbies I will discover. I make it a point to always stop off at their perfume section to see if there is anything new, or anything priced really low. This week I snatched up a gift set of perfume and body cream. Up on today's chopping block is Badgely Mischka perfume for women, by Badgley Mischka.
I got yelled at unfortunately when I tried to get a sample sniff of the perfume, as I hate buying before trying. The mystery can sometimes be fun when you have never smelled a fragrance before, but I have been burned this way as well.
I was going to put it back, but it came with such a decent 3.4 ounce bottle size of perfume, and a nice large jug of cream that I figured I would take the $25.00 mystery home and test it for myself. If I hated it, I'd bring it back and if asked why, I'd just let them know they should place samples around the shelves and that it stunk.
The bottle itself is pretty standard, nothing fancy, a few neat cuts here and there to give it a gem like appearance, and the perfume itself is a pretty amber color. When it comes to amber colored fragrances though in my experience many smell strong, and many smell antique or old fashioned. I prayed Badgley Mischka smelled more modern and less grandma.
My Use:
One spray and I was hooked.
It is definitely strong and demands attention, but it is not one of those gross stinks you would expect. It has a fruity syrup like quality to it, with cherry, and a nice sharp spiced note of patchouli, without smelling like a dirty hippie.
The mix of spice and syrup fruits is actually done up rather nicely, and the lasting power is simply phenomenal. Worn I smelled and felt rich, classical and elegant all in one. Old, yet with a modern zing to it, and it was done right.
The last in particular stood with me for the entire day, and into the night where it did die down a bit in potency, but still just as lovely.
All in all, I will seek this one out as I run out of the perfume. It was well worth the money spent, and I am glad that this surprise mystery fragrance turned out to be as good as it did.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Does Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner Really Thicken Hair? Find out in this Review.

I had never spotted Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner in super centers before, otherwise I am sure I would have tried it out ages ago. I did however come across this one randomly in a supermarket for just under $5.00.
The reason I brought it home, besides the promise for thicker hair, was the fact that it had such a unique scent to it.
Now the scent of Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner is not something everyone will enjoy, however if you are a bit odd and like oddball scents than the weird mosquito repellent like scent that this particular conditioner has will either attract you to it, or repel you worse than an actual bug.
Me, I loved it. In fact I hoped the scent stood with me, as well as plumping up my hair a bit for longer lasting thickness.
My Use:
I showered and shampooed using a standard bottle of shampoo, one that I would normally use, nothing fancy. I have found over the years that the conditioner is what mainly leaves hair in it's condition, and it never really matters what type of shampoo you use. The same rings true with this conditioner, so go ahead and use whatever shampoo you normally would use in the shower, followed up by a decent sized amount of Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner.
The odd repellent scent does not last at all, so if you were afraid to try this one due to the odd scent than rest assured that you will not have to worry about this smell being stuck in your locks. It vanishes as you rinse it out.
My hair was left feeling silky, very clean, and manageable.
I let it air dry as I normally would, and straightened my hair afterward. As it air dried I did notice some plumping going on, but it was more frizzed than usual. However if you straighten your hair you will find joy when it comes to this particular conditioner, because it will leave your straightened hair a lot thicker, and looking a lot fuller, so in ways it does do it's job.
If you have frizzy hair naturally, you will want to straighten your hair, otherwise frizz will overcome you.
It worked wonderfully for me on straightened hair. However if you let your hair air dry after using this particular conditioner, expect it to look a little frizzier than usual.
.my review also on AC
Review of Lush Karma Solid Perfume

Karma became an obsession, but over the years the Karma Soap sadly lost its potency; either that my body chemistry was just not reacting to it the same way, and the soaps scent would wear thin. I tried the bubble bar about a year after my soap obsession, and sadly was not as impressed with the staying power.
I eventually gave up on Karma all together, but kept the Karma Dusting Powder nearby for nights when I longed for the rich and powerful fragrance of patchouli. A hippies dream dust, this powder is potent, but like the bubble bar the fragrance is short lived.
When I saw Karma was being sold in a pure perfume form, I was excited. However the price steered me clear, especially considering how little of the fragrance you really get. More recently though I noticed they were selling a Karma Solid Perfume, which was selling for a price I was willing to pay.
I am no stranger to solid perfumes, and although they are not a favorite of mine, I must admit they have just as much lasting power as perfume, if not more.
The Karma Solid Perfume is small, if you can imagine a larger lip gloss, or lipsmacker tube then you have the picture in mind of exactly how big the tube of Karma Solid is. Small, but my goodness, the smallest of dabs to your neck and wrists is all you will need for this scent to truly begin to take over and surround you with its warm patchouli fragrance.
Here is the best part though, and the reason I'm ordering more of these sticks today...it has, hands down, the longest, and strongest lasting power of any Karma product by Lush, that I have yet to come across. I am am talking day to not long lasting wear, without an ounce of fading.
Karma is not a scent for everyone, in fact some hate it. However if you already know and love the Karma fragrance by Lush, you will find love in this scent all over again in a newer, longer lasting form. What I love about it, besides the long lasting kick, is the fact that it is small enough to toss in my bag and take along with me to dab on those who compliment the scent.
Review of Lush Bearded Lady Bath Bomb

Bearded Lady is actually pretty ugly in person, but it's no gem on their site either. It looks like a Santa Claus face gone horribly wrong. Without ever trying it though, and knowing it would probably deliver some sort of holiday scented treat to my bathing experience, I went and placed my order and awaited my Bearded Ladies arrival.
The added chocolate chip pieces for eyes created a creepy vibe, but whatever, Lush is legendarily known for adding sweet extras like this. If not food, fruit, or florals, it had to be chocolate, which is perfect considering it is a holiday limited time bubble bar.
My Use:
Bearded Lady is rather large coming in at 3.5 ounces. I cut mine directly in half and saved the other half for another bath.
Now the scent is very Lush like, it has that candy powdery zing to it that lots of Lush goodies have, but with an added twist of tangerine to the mix. It also has banana in it, but I never smelled this coming from the bubble bar.
I crumbled Bearded Lady under hot running water and waited for it to do its magic. Thick frothy bubbles began to form immediately, and the candy like smell lingered a bit, but nothing too potent. The tangerine scent just faded and was not even recognizable once the bubble bar had turned to bubbles.
Granted the scent was weak, the experience in the bath was not. The bubble bar added a warm red coloring to the bath water, due to the red dye in the Bearded Lady's hat. The water itself was completely flooded with bubbles on the top layer, and the water had turned a nice silky soft which is what I love about Lush the most. That silky soft feeling it leaves behind in the water, which simply feels divine on the skin.
The bubbles lasting power was also very impressive, and remained till I got out of the tub and the water grew too cold to stand anymore.
After getting out, my skin was lightly kissed with the delicious sugary candy scent, and it was also very soft feeling, which lasted for hours and helped me get a nice nights sleep.
So Bearded Lady is a little ugly to look at, but once you crack her up under running water she transforms into a beautiful bathing soup which you will just love. The scent is light, but lasts, and it leaves your skin soft and moisturized for hours.
Two thumbs up and 5 stars from me. I will definitely be stocking up on Bearded Lady before she is sold out!
.my review also on AC
Review of Lush Calavera Bath Ballistic
Now we do not have a Lush store within a 50 mile radius, so whenever I need a fix, which usually happens once a year, I place orders on past favorites, and I seek out new products on the Lush website. This was basically how I ran across Lush, Calavera Bath Bomb.
On the Lush website, Calavera Bath Bomb looks like a sherbet ice cream ball, with mixes of green, orange, and pink. The Calavera Bath Bomb that arrived to my door however looked a little pale.
My Calavera Bath Bomb however got skipped in the artistic department, as when it began to fizz and melt away the only color residing within my bomb was blue. Granted it was beautiful, and Calavera smelled simply scrumptious, the color party was very lacking, and this was disappointing.
The Calavera Bath Bomb contains flecks of marigold petals which you will see as the bomb begins to melt. The added touch was nice, but it really looked like orange juice pulp. The scent is lovely, and to me it smells just like orange cream soda, or orange sherbet, or starbursts. It's delicious to say the least.
The interesting thing about this bath bomb was how it fizzed away. The white part of the bath bomb turns into a nice frothy silk foam, which will cover the top layer of your bath water. The color hidden in the inside fizzes more like a bath bomb. My only color was blue though, so nothing special came of it. The water for me turned a stormy gray which was sort of ugly, but did not distract from how soft and silky it made the bath water feel.
The scent does last on your skin after bathing with Calavera, but it fades into a more powdery pixie sugar stick scent. It is nice, but different from what you experience in the tub.
Even though my Calavera Bath Bomb was lacking the colors it was supposed to contain, it was still a wonderful bath bomb just as it was. The scent was delicious, the bath water turned to silk, and it left my skin lightly touched with a nice candy fragrance that lasted. To top it off my skin was also left very soft, silky, and moisturized. A winner in my book, and a bomb I would highly recommend. 4 stars from me, due to the lack of color.

It was mostly white on the outside, no, scratch that, it was all white, with some pink sugar crystals at the top, but not nearly as pink and beautiful as what I saw on the website. I didn't mind much, I figured that once in the water it would fizz up and the beautiful sherbet colors would flood my tub, and tantalize the senses.
My Calavera Bath Bomb however got skipped in the artistic department, as when it began to fizz and melt away the only color residing within my bomb was blue. Granted it was beautiful, and Calavera smelled simply scrumptious, the color party was very lacking, and this was disappointing.
The Calavera Bath Bomb contains flecks of marigold petals which you will see as the bomb begins to melt. The added touch was nice, but it really looked like orange juice pulp. The scent is lovely, and to me it smells just like orange cream soda, or orange sherbet, or starbursts. It's delicious to say the least.
The interesting thing about this bath bomb was how it fizzed away. The white part of the bath bomb turns into a nice frothy silk foam, which will cover the top layer of your bath water. The color hidden in the inside fizzes more like a bath bomb. My only color was blue though, so nothing special came of it. The water for me turned a stormy gray which was sort of ugly, but did not distract from how soft and silky it made the bath water feel.
The scent does last on your skin after bathing with Calavera, but it fades into a more powdery pixie sugar stick scent. It is nice, but different from what you experience in the tub.
Even though my Calavera Bath Bomb was lacking the colors it was supposed to contain, it was still a wonderful bath bomb just as it was. The scent was delicious, the bath water turned to silk, and it left my skin lightly touched with a nice candy fragrance that lasted. To top it off my skin was also left very soft, silky, and moisturized. A winner in my book, and a bomb I would highly recommend. 4 stars from me, due to the lack of color.
Review of Lush Summer Pudding Soap

My soap on arrival however never looks as pretty as the ones we see online. Mine was lacking majorly in the pink department, and my cherries... well there was only a half of 1 in the top of the soap. What I got was a sad looking bar of grayish white cream colored soap, with flecks of almonds which are used for exfoliating.
Where my bar lacked, it made up in this department, as mine seemed flooded with nothing but sharp shards of almonds. I have pretty tough skin and nothing bothers it too much, but these almond pieces were just too harsh and rough on my skin. Granted I love a good exfoliation, I do not like feeling like my skin is being abused, and that is pretty much where I left off when it came to Summer Pudding.
The Scent:
Summer Pudding Soap is not my favorite scent, as nothing seems to cream Angels Delight or Sultana and Karma. Summer Pudding is not bad though, its a nice creamy fizzy cherry soda pop like stench which I liked well enough.
I wouldn't buy Summer Pudding again. I didn't enjoy the rough pieces of ground up almond flooded throughout the soap. I hated that my cut contained no pink glycerin soap, as I am sure this would have weakened the roughness of the almonds, and I didn't care much for the scent or the lack of moisturization.
Review of Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes, Evening Sooth with Chamomile & White Tea
After going through a bunch of different trials with different brands of wet cleansing towelettes I ended up finding my way back to the very first wet cleansing towelettes I initially started with; Ponds.
The reason is because they add more liquid to their towelettes than other companies, and they cost half of what some of the other name branders look for.
My most recent pick up of Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes however came with 2 try me packages of their newest additions to the wet cleansing towelette family. They have a morning towelette with citrus and cucumber now, as well as an evening wet cleansing towelette called Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes, Evening Sooth with Chamomile & White Tea.
Does It Work Well at Removing Makeup?
Will It Cause Breakouts?
My review also on AC
The reason is because they add more liquid to their towelettes than other companies, and they cost half of what some of the other name branders look for.
My most recent pick up of Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes however came with 2 try me packages of their newest additions to the wet cleansing towelette family. They have a morning towelette with citrus and cucumber now, as well as an evening wet cleansing towelette called Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes, Evening Sooth with Chamomile & White Tea.
I was excited by the new day and night concept, because I use a wet towelette every morning before putting makeup on, and then again at night to help remove that makeup. It was neat that a company finally decided to release a double doosie of facial cleansers designed for both day and night.
I worried though about them being doused in fragrance as my face tends to break out whenever strong scented products like lotion or serums are used. Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes, Evening Sooth with Chamomile & White Tea had a strong scent, a lovely one, but again, I worried.
The scent is definitely soothing, and relaxing to the senses, as well as the skin. The white tea fragrance is more prominent, and smells simply delicious. The chamomile sort of takes a back seat, but it is recognizable.
Does It Work Well at Removing Makeup?
Like the original, Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes, Evening Sooth with Chamomile & White Tea, does in fact easily wipe of makeup, and the towelette is large enough as to where you will not need to use more than one towelette. Its doused in enough formula to get the job done, and leaves skin feeling moisturized, relaxed, and calm.
Will It Cause Breakouts?
I woke up the following morning to a nice clear face, no overnight pop ups or issues with my skin whatsoever.
Review of WoodWicks Frasier Fir Electric Scent Diffuser

The reason this scent managed to win my heart was due to its extreme realistic Christmas tree scent. A fabulous Douglas fir scent that simply cannot get any more realistic than the real thing.
After looking for another candle in this scent however I came up empty handed. I did manage to grab hold of another scent, and the product up on the chopping block today, a Frasier Fir Electric Scent Diffuser. Also known as, a wall plug.
The wall plug diffuser does not look like anything special or unique compared to any other run of the mill wall plug you could find, however the scent is one you cannot find anywhere else. Granted you can find realistic Fir tree scented candles, or diffusers, none of them will smell quite as realistic as this one.
This diffuser however has a major drawback, and could very well be the reason I wouldn't purchase more refills for the diffuser. Read on:
I plugged the included vile of oil into the diffuser, and plugged it into a wall socket. It took about 4 hours for me to walk through the kitchen to actually be able to smell the fragrance. However once it started going, the fragrance grew stronger and stronger.
By night, the entire room smelled perfect; just like the upcoming holiday!
Sadly by morning, the scent was gone, completely and utterly gone. In order to smell any note of it at all I had to place my nose right above the diffuser in order to smell it. I hoped this was an odd phase or something that would pass.
Unfortunately that was not the case at all, the scent never returned back to its thick and delicious holiday potency. It was as if it gave it its all, and then decided to retire. The bulb of oil is more than half full still, and no scent is dispersed from it anymore.
All in all this one was a waste of money. I will buy the WoodWick candles still, but as far as their diffusers, or refills go, I'm going to have to skip, which is unfortunate, because it worked so good the first day I plugged it in.
My Review also on AC
Review of Lush Fizzbanger Bath Ballistic

and reading that this bath ballistic would deliver not just cinnamon, but an apple scent as well, I figured I could not go wrong.
The bomb that I ordered online looked similar to the one shown on the website, only my Fizzbanger was more pale in comparison.
The scent before plopping it into the tub though was nor cinnamon or apple in my opinion. My Fizzbanger smelled like a high potent note of lemon, and frankly, I loved it.
In the bath, Fizzbanger though delivered quite a few surprises.
First off it begins to fizz and crackle due to the pop rocks added to the bomb. The outer shell gives off a foamy layer that drifts over the surface of the water. As the bath bomb melts more I began to see little a little bit of blue coloring which was located at the center.
It looked more like a robins egg than it did anything else, and it was pretty. The scent was still lemon like to me, nothing woodsy or cinnamon at all. However as the blue center began to emerge more and more the scent became more candy like, with an apple like zing to it. Nothing you would catch though unless you were to hold the bomb under your nose while it was melting and fizzing away.
The bath water turns to silk though, and the blue coloring of the center of the bomb begins to slowly turn your bath water into a grayish color; not the deep robins egg blue that you see in the center. I did not mind though because my bath water turned so soft, and so silky and just felt fantastic on my skin, as if I were bathing in silk water.
Moisturizing is also a plus when it comes to this bath bomb. Once I got out of the tub my skin smelled lightly touched with a kiss of powdery candy, and it was beyond soft and deeply moisturized, which is exactly why I continue to return to Lush for my bathing goods time and time again.
All in all, Fizzbanger Bath Bomb is a pure delight. It has a more lemon like fragrance going on, but the scent transforms in the tub, and it leaves behind a candy sugared perfume like scent on your skin. The moisture therapy you get for your skin from this one is also very appreciated and welcomed.
Fizzbanger gets 4 out of 5 stars from me, and I would highly recommend it. I took away a star due to the lack of cinnamon notes.
My review also on AssociatedContent.com
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