and reading that this bath ballistic would deliver not just cinnamon, but an apple scent as well, I figured I could not go wrong.
The bomb that I ordered online looked similar to the one shown on the website, only my Fizzbanger was more pale in comparison.
The scent before plopping it into the tub though was nor cinnamon or apple in my opinion. My Fizzbanger smelled like a high potent note of lemon, and frankly, I loved it.
In the bath, Fizzbanger though delivered quite a few surprises.
First off it begins to fizz and crackle due to the pop rocks added to the bomb. The outer shell gives off a foamy layer that drifts over the surface of the water. As the bath bomb melts more I began to see little a little bit of blue coloring which was located at the center.
It looked more like a robins egg than it did anything else, and it was pretty. The scent was still lemon like to me, nothing woodsy or cinnamon at all. However as the blue center began to emerge more and more the scent became more candy like, with an apple like zing to it. Nothing you would catch though unless you were to hold the bomb under your nose while it was melting and fizzing away.
The bath water turns to silk though, and the blue coloring of the center of the bomb begins to slowly turn your bath water into a grayish color; not the deep robins egg blue that you see in the center. I did not mind though because my bath water turned so soft, and so silky and just felt fantastic on my skin, as if I were bathing in silk water.
Moisturizing is also a plus when it comes to this bath bomb. Once I got out of the tub my skin smelled lightly touched with a kiss of powdery candy, and it was beyond soft and deeply moisturized, which is exactly why I continue to return to Lush for my bathing goods time and time again.
All in all, Fizzbanger Bath Bomb is a pure delight. It has a more lemon like fragrance going on, but the scent transforms in the tub, and it leaves behind a candy sugared perfume like scent on your skin. The moisture therapy you get for your skin from this one is also very appreciated and welcomed.
Fizzbanger gets 4 out of 5 stars from me, and I would highly recommend it. I took away a star due to the lack of cinnamon notes.
My review also on AssociatedContent.com
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