I had never spotted Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner in super centers before, otherwise I am sure I would have tried it out ages ago. I did however come across this one randomly in a supermarket for just under $5.00.
The reason I brought it home, besides the promise for thicker hair, was the fact that it had such a unique scent to it.
Now the scent of Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner is not something everyone will enjoy, however if you are a bit odd and like oddball scents than the weird mosquito repellent like scent that this particular conditioner has will either attract you to it, or repel you worse than an actual bug.
Me, I loved it. In fact I hoped the scent stood with me, as well as plumping up my hair a bit for longer lasting thickness.
My Use:
I showered and shampooed using a standard bottle of shampoo, one that I would normally use, nothing fancy. I have found over the years that the conditioner is what mainly leaves hair in it's condition, and it never really matters what type of shampoo you use. The same rings true with this conditioner, so go ahead and use whatever shampoo you normally would use in the shower, followed up by a decent sized amount of Thicker Fuller Hair- Cell-U-Plex Pure Plant Extract Conditioner.
The odd repellent scent does not last at all, so if you were afraid to try this one due to the odd scent than rest assured that you will not have to worry about this smell being stuck in your locks. It vanishes as you rinse it out.
My hair was left feeling silky, very clean, and manageable.
I let it air dry as I normally would, and straightened my hair afterward. As it air dried I did notice some plumping going on, but it was more frizzed than usual. However if you straighten your hair you will find joy when it comes to this particular conditioner, because it will leave your straightened hair a lot thicker, and looking a lot fuller, so in ways it does do it's job.
If you have frizzy hair naturally, you will want to straighten your hair, otherwise frizz will overcome you.
It worked wonderfully for me on straightened hair. However if you let your hair air dry after using this particular conditioner, expect it to look a little frizzier than usual.
.my review also on AC
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