-My post also on AC
Ho-Ho-Ho!!! I love Lush, and was glad to have gotten a sack full of Lush goodies this Christmas. Inside my sack of bath time delights I pulled out a large bath bomb righteously called Christmas Party.
Lush's Christmas Party Bath Bomb is a nice hefty solid bath bomb, which weighs in at 6.3 ounces. If you really wanted this large bomb to go the extra mile you could crack it up and get 2 uses out of it.
The bomb itself is white in color; yet on the Lush website it's a luscious dark tan color.
My particular bomb came with small, medium, and large plastic star shapes on the top of it. I later on discovered these stars were also inside of the bomb and release as the bomb is melting.
My Use:
After climbing in to my bath, I plopped in Lush's Christmas Party Bath Bomb, and waited to see what this big fizzy would do.
Immediately it fizzed on impact with the water. A creamy vanilla colored foam rose to the surface of the water, and the Christmas Party began.
The scent was nothing really lucrative, it had a nice smell, which reminded me of root beer and citrus. It's a refreshing scent, but dull and mild. Not bad though in the least, just somewhat weak.
The stars unfortunately sank to the bottom. It would have been nice to have them rise to the surface, but they sank. My bomb also had not a trace of glitter or confetti in it. On the Lush.com website they describe this one as having stars, glitter and colored confetti. Mine had stars, but nothing else. I think if it included confetti and glitter it would have made the bath feel more festive.
The stars though made it feel like a 4th of July themed bath, not Christmas at all, unless you celebrate Christmas in July.
The water in the bath became silkier, but I have used other bath bombs that did a heck of a lot better when it comes to softening of the water. A bath bomb as large as Christmas Party should have packed huge amounts of softening properties to the water, but it didn't.
Christmas Party Bath Bomb by Lush, was a decent bath bomb, but for it's larger size it could have really done more. The water was silky, but not as silky as it could have been. The bomb also was missing 2 of its key fun ingredients (glitter and colored confetti).
It smelled nice, and the scent did linger in the bathroom for hours after my bath was over, however it's not a bath bomb I'd use again, or buy. The Christmas theme would have worked better had they used red and green colored stars, and not bright Easter pastel colors.
All in all Lush's Christmas Party gets 2.5 stars out of 5 from me.
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