-My post also on AC
Santa stuffed a bag full of Lush goodies under the tree this Christmas, and included in the sack of bathing delights was the newly released bath bomb, Cinders.
Lush describes Cinders as a crackling bath bomb; basically you pop the bomb into the water and you will actually hear it crackling. The small sugary orange crystals located on the top of the bomb are also located all throughout the bomb. They are made with the same stuff that Pop Rocks are made of. Cool!
The bomb itself resembles the Cinders Bath Bomb you see on the Lush website. They tried their best to make it resemble the glowing embers of a fireplace. The crackling effect is supposed to resemble burning wood.
It's creative I'll give it that, but when I first got a look at it, it reminded me more of spiced apple cider. Probably because the name Cinders resembles cider more than anything.
My Use:
I put Cinder's to the test last night after work. After running my bath, I hopped in and took Cinder's with me. Immediately the bath bomb began to fizz, snap, and lightly pop. As it melted it left a small pool of creamy yellow colored foam on top of the water.
The small pop rocks within the bomb began to release and fall to the bottom of the tub. I didn't really like it though because it took some time for the flecks to completely melt, so while they melted they sort of scratched my legs and butt. Haha! It was not a terrible abrasive feeling, but it was one I could have done without.
The bomb did however silken the water slightly, which was a nice and soothing feeling to my skin.
The Scent:
Cinders Bath Bomb has a very, very weak fragrance to it. The only time I could smell it was when it was dissolving in the water. It let out a weak aroma that reminded me of powdered sugar (aka pixie sticks), the scent was nice like candy, but weak, really weak!
Once the bomb was completely dissolved, not a hint of the fragrance was left behind; not in the water, not in the air.
Cinders was very weak in the scent department which was disappointing. It did however moisten my skin and leave it feeling clean and soft.
Cinder's was nice, but it lacked. It's a bomb that I personally would not buy. I'm grateful to have been given the bomb, but all in all it didn't win me over.
-Cinders comes in at 3.1 ounces and sells for $3.95. It's one of Lush's lower priced bombs, but frankly I feel it should cost even less for what it gives out, which is not very much.
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