Friday, April 17, 2009

Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Anti-Stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals

I go through bouts of insomnia. There are weeks where I do not sleep a wink, and for some reason I once again have been going through a period where sleep is very difficult to come by. It sucks!

When I don't sleep my body can still function, but my face takes quite the toll of it all. I get dark circles, my skin looks dull and sleepy, and actually feels stressed.

When I came across a bunch of products by Montagne Jeunesse at my local KMart, I was drawn to the words that were written on the package: calming, and anti-stress.

The product was called Dead Sea Anti-stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals.

The packaging was flashy, convincing, and I felt as if I needed it (a lot of products have that effect on me).

I read closer, and according to the package, this face tonic would whip up a skin miracle in only 5 minutes. I liked that, because most facial masques or treatments call for a half hour of time, or more.

In 5 minutes time it also promised to re-hydrate and moisturize my skin. The face tonic is also gluten free, dairy free, and vegan, Why that is important is beyond me... but for those who look for this sort of stuff, it's free of it. Tee-hee.

What Is It?

Although it is called Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals, they fail to mention one thing....what it is.

Well, It's actually a cloth facial masque. You simply rip open the package, and apply the soaked masque to your face.


The packaging is what drew me in. Basically the masque comes in a tear drop shaped aluminum package. Inside there is one masque.

The package itself is done up to resemble a spa like atmosphere, with glistening water in the background, and a lady on the cover wearing this pretty blue and white masque. The masque on her face is colored blue with white waves throughout. It's supposed to look like water.

I hoped that the actual mask was the same one she was wearing. I doubted it would though. I imagined they made hers look all nice, nice for advertising purposes.

My Use:

The Montagne Jeunesse: Dead Sea Anti-stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals did not quite look like the masque that the woman on the cover package wore.

Instead I got a very thin large masque made of very thin, easily torn cloth. The cloth had the same pretty image on it, which I was actually surprised to see, however the masque was a hell of a lot larger then the one the perdy lady wore on the packages cover.

First I had to rip a small piece of cloth from the mouth area. I was to place this small strip of cloth on my nose, and then apply the masque after I had the nose piece in place.

Anyhow, the masque was saturated in the face tonic, and actually dripped a bit when I first began unfolding it.

The scent was rather calming, which was a plus. It reminded me of the way a beach would smell before a thunder storm. Calming, relaxing, and exciting all the same.

I applied the nose strip, and then placed the masque on my face. It was too large, and the edges hit the my hairline. Once I had the masque comfortably in place, I then tried to relax... for um... 5 minutes. Not very relaxing in my opinion, but whatever. I followed the directions.


After about a minute of the masque being on, I felt nothing. However just as I was about to write it off in my mind bank as crap, the masque began to activate. I felt a cooling and tingling sensation that was actually really, really nice.

After feeling that sensation it actually felt like millions of micro-bubbles were cleaning my skin. I could feel something going on, and it was unique and different. Almost as if there were some sort of active colony working on massaging my face pore by pore.

After enjoying the feeling of micro-bubble scrubbing my skin, the 5 minutes were up.

Honestly I could of kept it on for longer, but I feared that if I didn't follow directions it would dry my skin out, or cause break outs, so I removed the Montagne Jeunesse: Dead Sea Anti-stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals and threw it away. My skin still felt very tingly, clean, and refreshed even after the masque was off.

The package recommended that I splash some water on my face, an towel dry. After splashing the water on my face, the tingly sensation went away. That sort of sucked, but what can yah do?


I have 2 issues with the Montagne Jeunesse: Dead Sea Anti-stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals.

The first issues is that it is meant to calm and relax you. However after the 5 minute treatment you can't just roll over and go to sleep. You have to get up and rinse your face off. That sort of defeats the whole 'calming/relaxing' aspect of the masque.

Secondly after rinsing off, and towel drying, my skin was shining like a star. I hate when my skin looks greasy. Although the masque didn't leave behind any sort of greasy substance or slimy residue, it looked greasy.

I know my skin was most likely super clean and this is why it looked shiny, but the shine seemed to last for the entire day and into the next. I don't know what it did to my skin, but I certainly didn't enjoy the 48 hours of shiny skin. I'm usually actively seeking products that remove shine, so it was dreadful to have the masque actually add shine to my face.


Setting the shiny face and lack of relaxation aside, my face did in fact feel 90% better. The dark circles under my eyes were still present, but my eyes did not feel as tired and weighed down.

My skin was no longer dull either, and I enjoyed the 5 minutes that I got out of the masque.


Although the Montagne Jeunesse: Dead Sea Anti-stress Face Tonic with Dead Sea Minerals left my face shiny for 2 days, I really loved the results. My skin felt rejuvenated. The tired skin around my eyes felt re-newed, and overall for $1.26 it was well worth it.

I do wish though that I didn't have to rinse the tonic off after applying the masque.

Where To Buy:

You can find this, and other Montagne Jeunesse facial tonics at KMart, and Walmart. You can also purchase them in bulk online, or at the website.

I also think that these masques would make you face feel AWESOME after spending a day at the beach and getting a sunburn. This would bring total relief to your burnt face.

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