About a month ago a new product by Neutrogena caught my eye. A commercial nonetheless. I usually never pay much mind to commercials. I thank Tivo for the lack of these annoying commericlas.
Anyhow, Hayden Panettiere was endorsing the new Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser. In the commercial she waved this itty pink hand held device across her face. As she rubbed this device on her skin, foam or soap began to develop. Oh cooool!
According to Miss Hayden, the new Neutrogena Wave vibrates on your face which will allow the soap to clean deeper, and remove surface residue, and makeup better then other facial cleansing soaps.
The Waves vibrating action supposedly will stimulate the skins surface, and open up pores, to allow this deeper cleansing action.
It sounded sweet. It did however resemble this stupid exfoliating wand I bought a few months ago as well. Only smaller.
Gimmick or not; I wanted it!!!
Although the commercial didn't quite convince me that this mini vibrator would do much, I still wanted to try it. It was new, it looked cool, and even though Hayden (who we all already know has flawless skin) was endorsing The Wave... I still NEEDED it.
I found the Wave at my local Walmart. I truly didn't think Walmart would carry the Wave, seeing how it was so new...but low and behold, there is was, in all it's princess pink glory.
When I first noticed that the last one was sitting there waiting for me to grab it, I assumed it would be anywhere from $20.00 to $30.00. The cool part was, it only came to $11.96. Way less than what I was first willing to pay for it.
Accesories:Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser comes with the Wave hand held power cleanser, 14 cleansing pads, and an AA battery. Everything you need to get it started.
After ripping the box open I immediately had it figured out without having to use directions.
From the looks of the Power Cleanser, it appeared that the place that you would rub on your face had little grooves on it which would allow the pads to be placed on. Sort of like velcro, only plastic.
The 14 pads came in 2 separate white plastic bags. I was surprised at just how small the pads were, and even more surprised at how asinine the packaging was.
The moment I opened the bag, I noticed that each pad was wet, and stacked one on top of the other. What annoyed me was the fact that once the package was open, I could not re-seal it. Without being able to re-seal the package, I knew that the other pads would dry out if I didn't place them in a ziploc, which was annoying. You'd think they'd come in a re-sealable bag. Hmph!
Anyhow, I took one small pad out and stuck it onto the Power Cleanser head. It stuck with no issues, which was surprising. I imagined though that while cleansing my face with it, it would fall off. It was so small, and even though it stuck on precisely, it was still a little loose.
My Use:After applying the pad, I then ran the it under some water, as instructed. I later on found that it is easier to lightly wet my face, and then use the Wave on my dampened skin.
I clicked the button on the Power Cleanser, and rubbed the pad around my face. The vibration from the device was a bit weak in my opinion, and it took quite awhile for any foam to develop on my skin. After about a minute or so I had a decent amount of lather, but nothing like Hayden had on the commercial. Her face was surrounded with lovely silky looking bubbles.
For me, the foam that released from the pad had the same texture as shaving cream. It was different, but pleasant all the same. I would of liked more lather though, more bubbles.
The scent was what I liked most of all. It had a very citrusy and fresh minty fragrance going on, which was quite different, and nice at the same time.
Visual Difference?Before using The Wave Power Cleanser I rinsed my makeup off with my usual facial wash. The Wave was a test... I basically wanted to see if it would pick up any dirt or residue that my usual cleanser had left behind.
After rubbing the device around on my face for a bit, I stopped to check and see what the white pad looked like. I
I was surprised to see that a lot of nasties were left behind on my skin. I immediately noticed that there was some left over makeup that I swore I had gotten off completely when I rinsed. There was also some flecks of what looked like dry skin. I was quite disgusted with myself, but glad at the same time, that the Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser had gotten the left over grossness that was left behind on my skins surface. No wonder I get small breakouts!
Once I had a decent amount of lather on my face, I allowed the small device to do its job by rubbing it into my skin gently. I figured the longer I went at it, the more my pores would open for better deep cleansing.
When I felt satisfied with the time I had spent using the Wave, I then rinsed off.
The first rinse my skin felt a little greasy/slimy, and I was not happy, and I figured it would cause break outs. I went at my face with more water, and rinsed till the nasty greasy texture felt like it was gone.
I then towel dried my face. My skin felt fantastic. Thoroughly cleansed, tingly, and had a nice citrus mint scent left behind that was uplifting and rejuvenating.
Pros:-I absolutely love how Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser makes my skin feel after rinsing
-Nice scent
-Picks up left over dirt and dry skin
-The Power Cleanser fits palm of hand perfectly
-Refill pads are very cheap and affordable
- My skin looks and feels better, softer, and has not had any signs of new breakouts.
-There are similar products available
-Pads package cannot be re-sealed
-Claims that there is a 2 week pad supply. In reality there are 14, which is correct if you only wash your face once a day! I wash twice, therefore there is in reality, only a one week supply.
-The Wave does add an additional 2 or 3 minutes to my usual facial cleansing ritual in the morning.
-Vibration is not very powerful
Overall:Even with the cons, I still enjoy using the Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser. It picks up those small bits of dirt, makeup, and dry skin, that my usual cleanser misses.
Although I have not noticed a huge significant difference in my skin, I do notice that their are subtle difference, and my skin is much softer.
Recommended?I would highly recommend it, because it does improve the look and feel of your skin over time. Although the changes are subtle, you will notice it.
Where To Buy:-You can find Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser at local super stores and drug stores. Prices will vary. You can order the kit online as well for even lower prices