He’s 30. I’m ‘almost 25.’ At this age you would think people stop getting pimples and zits, but my boyfriend and me, we’re one of them unlucky ones with high school complexions. Not a wrinkle to be seen, but a zit, is always present, or about to make itself present.
Lately he has been on a mission for anything containing tea tree oil. Some idiot told him it’s the ‘best’ antiseptic and toner money can buy. We’re both gullible people I suppose; we sought after this magic tea tree oil, with stunning results. Tea tree oil was almost impossible to find! A trip to the city didn’t even deliver.
When I discovered tea tree water on LUSH.com he was about to cough up the money. But the day before I got online to order it we ran into Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish Stick at Target, and would you look at that, somewhere in the list of long ingredients tea tree oil was present. Yay! He’s happy, I’m happy, and everybody is happy.
WHAT BURT SAID: (And no! Burt isn’t my boyfriend!)
This blemish stick contains ten effective herbal ingredients including willow bark - a natural hydroxy acid; natural antiseptic and astringent qualities from tea tree and juniper; and calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Hey, Mother Nature gives you the breakouts, shouldn’t it be her responsibility to help you get rid of them?
$8 later we’re home, and of course I “had” to be the first to try it because I had a nice miniature constellation going on, on my forehead.
I twisted of the little cap and what I found was an easy to use roll on applicator. I began rolling the oil all around my forehead and the moment it touched my little zits they began to burn and itch. I figured with a sensation like that, this stuff must work.
Suddenly the scent hit me. It was bloody awful! It smelled like sausages, no wait licorice… no… licorice sausages!!! Nar’sty!
However even tough it stunk to the high heavens, it felt like it was working. I could feel the nasty little red bumps screaming. Haha! Death to you zits!
Next Raymond applied it with no burning sensations at all. Hmm… that’s not good! Am I perhaps allergic to this stinky stuff?
Certainly I must be allergic. All of the little zits I rolled the stick on were not gone or any clearer; they actually were bright sickly red now. I irritated them the night before, and now they are mad!
Not only that but I had a whole new constellation on my forehead and cheeks!
Great, so now I have these little bright red bug bites all over my forehead, with a brand new batch of kids. What did they breed overnight!?
I looked over at Raymond. His zits didn’t look all red and it didn’t look like he had grown any new ones…. Ah wait, what’s that? Yep, he grew a few new ones too.
Too bad too, he had such high hopes for this stuff.
SD Alcohol, calendula flower oil, borage seed oil, yarrow oil, parsley seed extract, willow bark extract, lemon oil, fennel oil, water, tea tree leaf oil, juniperus communis fruit oil, eucalyptus globulus leaf oil.
It also claims to be 99% natural.
Well waking up to zits even redder than they were the day before, and having them spread out into other locations where I normally don’t ever break out means one thing to me. This Burt’s Bee Blemish Stick is garbage.
Now I would not of said that to begin with because I may have had an allergic reaction to it (however I found this odd seeing how I have never had an allergic reaction to anything), but when I looked over at my boyfriends face and saw that he too had a whole new development grow on his face overnight, I knew this stuff was garbage.
He has been using it daily still for almost a week now, and he’s still got zits. This just proves to me that long term use doesn’t help either.
The smell is horrendous, the product is horrendous, and the whole thing was just horrendous. It’s over priced, overrated, and you end up with more zits than you began with.
What a concept, gee!
This product claimed to clear up my blemishes…
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