I'm a body lotion junkie. I have such an addicting problem that I have actually gone into my car, and found bags filled with lotions that I bought, yet forgot to take out of the car. It's like Christmas every time I clean out my car. I find oodles of goodies.
It's a sick habit, and I know I have a problem. I have a shopping problem in general, but dayum, it's just oh-so satisfying to my mind knowing I bought yet another one.
Sean John Unforgivable Woman Body Lotion however was given to me this past Christmas, and I actually got around to using it last night. Picking which body lotion to use is a very hard task for me, because I have so many of them, yet I have days when I feel like nothing I have is good enough to satisfy my nose palette. She's a picky snout. Piss her off, and she'll get all stuffy.
Now I know that this particular lotion was part of a 3 or 4 peice set, because normally Unforgivable Woman comes in a 6.7 ounce bottle. The one I was given is a mere 2 ouncer, so I know that the rest of the goods that came with this one were likely kept, or given to others. Regardless though, I'm happy that someone thought of me, so it's all good (I guess).
I love the man version of Unforgivable, so I immediatley assumed I would love the scent that the girl version packed.
It's a decent scent, but not a scent I would likely buy for myself. It has a note of cucumbers, roses, and a very mild pinch of citrus. This is primarily what I smell anyway. Combined the Unforgivable Woman scent is fresh, yet at the same time a little spicy.
In ways it reminds me of old fashioned rose oil scents, which I hate, beause it smells like something a Granny would wear. Unforgiveable Woman though packed the perfect mix so it's only semi-borderline Granny. Only a real fragrance canissour would notice the grandma notes. My nose is a fragrance carnissour, so I noticed it immediatley.
The lotion itself is plain Jane white, with the usual lotion consistency. A little runny, but not to the point where it will come pouring out of the bottle like diahrrea.
I rubbed this one all over my body after a shower. I knew that it wouldn't moisturize my skn though, because most perfume made to lotions are only good for scent, and nothing more.
There was no exception when it came to this particular body lotion. It added scent, and nothing more.
The scent though surprisingly lingered around even into the next morning when I woke up. A powerful punch it packs, and thats definetly a good thing, especially if you already know and like this scent.
Overall it seems to be a pretty decent body lotion. The scent is not one of my favorites, and likely I wouldn't buy this one with my own money. However, like I stated, if you love the Unforgivable Woman scent, than this lotion is definetly wallet breaking worthy.
It comes to around $42.00 in most department stores like Macys, or Kohls. You can likely find it online for less, but from personal experince I will note that if you find it for under $20.00, most likely it's fake. So stick to the department stores if possible.
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