There seemed to be a ‘Beautiful fever’ going on today, the weather is beautiful, the air smells beautiful, and I feel beautiful today.
Oh did I mention that I smell beautiful too!? Yeah, I do, try not to be too jealous. Calm down okay, I’m going to share my secret with ya’ll.
It’s Beautiful. No lie, no joke. It is beautiful, that’s why I smell so good.
It’s Estee Lauders Beautiful actually. A gift set in which I obtained in the best of ways. Yard sale baby! Don’t faint either, I got it for a stinkin’ $20 Man! What a beautiful day, what a deal.
The gift set came with 1oz bottle of perfume, a 2.5oz tube of body lotion, and a .27oz perfume roll on/gloss combo. I had never before smelled Beautiful, so it was a gamble on whether or not I would enjoy it. But I knew of the name Estee Lauder, and knew that for a kit like this, it was a steal at on 20 buckaroos.
I really wanted to rip the box open in front of the woman selling it to do a sniff test, but I held back till I got home.
First I used the perfume, sniff sniff… mmmm… Yes. I approved.
To me it smelled like flowers, with a subtle earthy undertone. It wasn’t overly floral like some old lady’s perfume, it was light and sweet, and not too overpowering with the scent of alcohol like so many other perfumes. Man how I hate that initial stink of alcohol. I was glad to note that Beautiful was more perfume than it was watered down with alcohol.
Next came the lotion. Oh my favorite part of the beauty regime.
Usually I will apply lotion first, and then sprit myself down with the perfume. So that’s what I did.
Beautiful lotion was not overly runny nor was it too thick. It was a perfect balance between the two, providing me with a nice easy to apply silk like layer to my skin. It absorbed into my skin pretty quickly and left the same wonderful scent that the perfume had. Ah, to the tee, not off by a beat.
Next came the very small glass roll on glass tube of perfume.
Now I know what concentrated perfume oil looks like, and this surely is not it. But it does a good job for when you want that quick little touch up of the scent. Attached to the roll on pen on the opposite side is a handy dandy little lip-gloss applicator. To me the gloss is absolutely disgusting and tastes just like the perfume would taste if you accidentally sprayed it on your mouth.
Don’t get me wrong, I love lip-glosses; in food type flavors, not flowers. That’s just nasty! Not only that the gloss is sticky and slimy feeling. Not for me. Ech.
The roll on perfume pen however is a convenient size to fit right into my purse without clustering it. I do wish though that it were not made of glass. I find that if I happen to chuck my handbag like I sometimes do, that it will break open. Oh well, maybe next time Estee…
After applying the lotion and then spraying myself down with the perfume, I was wondering just how long this beautiful scent would last.
My test got me about an hour. An hour! I’m a little disappointed. I mean geez I even put on the lotion.
But I’m sorry to say, as beautiful as Beautiful smells, she certainly doesn’t stick around to let you smell beautiful all day. It tends to leave pretty quickly.
I figured well maybe I can’t smell it, and others can. Nope. Never once got a compliment, so I assume it’s not detectable to others either.
I would of liked a little more from this scent by Estee Lauder. I’m glad I got this one for only $20 and didn’t spend more.
What good is buying expensive perfume, if it’s lasting power is just as pathetic as a bottle of cheap WalMart spray on gunk?
You’re perfume smells wonderful, but sadly it goes away in only about an hour. The scent does not even stick to my clothing, and I’ve had better lasting power with $3 body splashes. I do hope you do something about this, or lower your dang prices. Thanks. Melissa.
Only if you happen to stumble upon it at a yard sale. This kit goes for $50-$60 otherwise.
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