You win some, and you lose some.
I purchased John Frieda’s sheer blonde healthy attitude leave in nourishing spray only because the conditioner I had purchased had worked so well.
My hair is thick and unruly, and after major self-dye (destroying) jobs it was in dire need of some nourishment. My hair was equivalent to scarecrows hay body stuffing at the ends. Dry, gasping for moisture, fried, frizzled, split; you name it, my hair suffered from it.
Oh and did I mention I’m a self-made blond? Yeah I’m a fake and proud of it; fake hair color, fake nails, fake eye color sometimes as well. I love the self-body artwork I created.
But all you natural blonde's (hmph) can also use this product. It was probably meant for you anyways.
I stood there staring down the $8 bottle, wondering if I should just return it to its counter space and quickly walk away and move on to my bed head friend, before I threw down close to 10 bucks on this stuff.
But then John Frieda started urging me to buy it as I began to walk away from the shelf, he promised to strengthen my hair, and repair its damage. John Frieda also told me that if I bought his product for $8 that it would brighten my dull blonde hair, he said that it would infuse my dry hair with essential vitamins and protein. Best yet it would prevent frizzled fried hair. How could you lose?
God he is so good with tricking gullible gals like me with his promises of Goldilocks like hair. I was sold! I took the bottle home and put it to the test.
I read the bottle before I took his advice completely, Super concentrated leave-in formula conditions hair with pro-Vitamin B5. (Oh that sounds nice), nourishing honey (Oh I like the smell and taste of honey) and wheat germ extracts (that sounds yucky, I don’t know what that is). Instantly replenishes lost moisture (Oh yeah!) and penetrates areas prone to splitting from heat styling and over processing (Ohhh Yeeeaaa). Won't dull, darken or weigh down blond color, hair will look light and bright. (Sweet! It’s just what I’ve always wanted)
I took my normal shower, and I can brag that yes, I took a shower using his products, because John Frieda recommends you use all of his products for best results. I find this to be untrue; but anyways I’m a sucker like that.
I towel dried my hair, I shook the bottle well, like it said to, sprayed it in my hair generously, and I rubbed it throughout my hair. I also sprayed a little extra on my dead ends, those were the little buggers I wanted to get rid of most, and so I sprayed the heck out of them.
I noticed the stinky smell immediately. Its sort of the same chemical smells all of John Frieda’s products smell like. It’s not pleasant, and sort of gives off a hairspray type aroma. It’s a mild smell, but it still stinks and you end up gagging if you happen to be spraying this on yourself when you enclosed in a small bathroom.
(The bottle also cautions you to not spray it in your eyes! Gee! Really? Gosh!
Also you may want to keep this stuff out of reach of children. They might drink it or do something crazy with it that kids do these days.)
I was disappointed when my hair dried to see that my head was sort of stiff, and my ends were all stuck together hard as rock. I didn’t see any new glisten or shine to my hair or brightness to my hair like John Frieda said I would. Liar! Of course my hair is now protected, its covered in a stiff silicone seal, water couldn’t even get in!
I gave the product the benefit of the doubt; I figured it wouldn’t show a difference in only one use, so I really put this bad boy to the test. I used it for about a month, and used less on my ends. It didn’t do anything if you used less. I figured after long-term use, perhaps then I would see a change in the color, Shine, and overall health of my hair.
After about a month of regular use, and not seeing a difference at all, and living with stiff hair for quite some time, I filled the half empty bottle with water and returned it. Is that bad? Haha.
I felt ripped off, and cheated, and lied to, and I think we’re going to have to stop seeing each other. I wrote John a letter somewhat like that. He said he’d give me some free samples, and some coupons and that he was sorry. Hmph!
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