Maybe it’s the alluring scent the Bath and Body works gives off as I pass their store, or maybe it’s just fact that I got a $100 gift card to the store this past holiday. But whatever it is, I keep going back, even though the gift card is already tapped out.
My recent addiction is the 3 in 1 temptations. My first love was Iced Tea Twist, and since then, it’s been a pure obsession, with adding every different scent available, my bathroom now looks like it has exploded.
Perfect Peach was a necessity, even though I’ve never been overly fond of peaches. I took a sniff of it in the store, and it was pretty close to the smell of an actual peach. I decided to add it to my already overfilled shopping basket (just because I could). Basically I’m saying this purchase was a whim.
It comes in a 16 oz bottle for $12 or a 4oz bottle for $5. I myself went with the 4oz bottle only because I wasn’t head over heels ‘in love’ with the scent. For me, it was just OK.
I had to put it to the test in the same manner I had all of my temptation 3 in 1 products. The bubble bath test, the shampoo test, and my favorite the body wash test.
Perfect Peach passed ‘perfectly’ like I had expected it would. I put in a small amount, even though the bottle recommends 2 to 3 capfuls. I always use less seeing how these scents are all ‘limited editions’ and eventually won’t be carried in the store or the online store once the season passes.
I got a decent amount of bubbles, and they lasted for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Not only that but my whole bath time smelt like a peach fruit cocktail- (with a twist).
The product no longer smelt the same as it did in the bottle. It now smelt generic, and a bit like toxic peaches. Chemically. I don’t know if it is my water or what, but the scent wasn’t very pleasant. It however also wasn’t disgusting, but it definitely was not the same scent in the bottle.
I’d rate the bubble bath usage a 4. Based on a 1-10 rating, 10 being the highest, and 1 being the worst.
I was able to get a nice lather going with only a small quarter sized amount. It smelled really good. However that chemical stink was present again like it was in the bubble bath.
I was also very hesitant on using this as a shampoo seeing how none of the 3 in 1 temptation products in the past ever worked out well.
Sure enough, it was awful. No big surprise there. I should have learned my lesson by now; perfect peach turned my hair into a big knotty out of control dried out mess.
If you’re going to use ANY of the temptations as a shampoo, make sure you have an excellent moisturizing conditioner to use afterwards.
This is the main reason for my 3 in 1 temptation purchases. I love the way it stinks up my bathroom, and gives me an intoxicating aromatherapy session. Perfect peach did just that. I liked it; it left no residue behind on my skin, and I felt clean.
However (there is always a ‘however’) it smelled like a chemical peach. The realistic smell of this product is only in the bottle. Once it hits water, it fades into something else. Like I said though, its not a horrible smell, its not a great one though either.
Not only that, but this scent only lasts in the shower. I didn’t mind that with my other Temptation purchases because of the wonderful smell they let off during my bath. But this one didn’t give me that wonderful scent I was expecting.
So basically if you like the smell of peaches, and don’t mind that fake chemically smell, then I guess it’s a good buy for only $5. But if you’re after that intoxicating aromatherapy, heavenly like bath, this will sadly disappoint.
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