Oh Elizabeth, Elizabeth, what can I say, even for a Grandmother scent I am addicted to your scent White Diamonds. Sigh.
I’ll be honest and blunt with you; some nut job was selling your 3.4 oz bottle at a yard sale for a buck! Man what a steal! What a fool right?! Wouldn’t you say Elizabeth?
Now don’t get angry. I didn’t tell you to upset you, really you should be happy, because I have been buying it ever since. Her yard sale brought you a lifetime customer.
I want to say what drew me to your fragrance in the first place was your craft work on the bottle. When I was told I could have it for a dollar, I felt like the bottle itself was worth more.
I love how the bottle stands tall and proud, it towers above all of my other designer fragrances, and the small rhinestones that ring around my bottle was genius!
You must know every girl loves diamonds, and bravo for going for adding them to the look on your bottle.
Not only that but girls love gold too and you managed to throw in some gold on top right where the pump sits, and on the cap. I must say, lovely Elizabeth, just lovely.
Not only that it smells fantastic.
I will admit when I first tried it out, I immediately thought it smelled like an old lady’s perfume, but as time went by, I grew accustom of this scent, and grew to love it.
It reminds me of an elegant scent, something I would wear to a ball (if I ever were to go to one that is), a mix between musk and roses.
I enjoy it, and my, my, my does this perfume last. I can put it on in the morning and still smell it all over me at night.
I also want to say thank you for being so generous. Your perfume is not cheap, nor does it smell generic, but the prices are. I have found this online at sites for under $30 and sometimes less for smaller bottles.
Many designer perfume companies don’t even offer such a hefty sized bottle of perfume, and at 3.4 oz only under $30, it’s a bargain like no other.
Too many designer companies have gone greedy, and their scents don’t even linger for longer than an hour. You should be proud of that fact, and I hope you continue to offer discounts and fragrances at reasonable prices.
You say that your fragrance is a blend of a blend of lily, rose, amber, oak moss, and sandalwood. You have it marked correct, but mostly the scent of rose and musk sticks out for me. Like I have already said.
I really love how when I spray on that first sprit it doesn’t reek of alcohol; it just smells like pure concentrated perfume.
I also see that you have many other products available in the White Diamond scent line.
I really appreciate the miniature 1/8oz perfume sample. I like collecting perfume bottles, and was glad to see that I could add my favorite scent to my mini collection.
I see you also have lotion, powder, and body wash available as well, another one of my favorites.
I just wanted to let you know that I have been receiving compliments left and right each and every time I put on some White Diamonds.
I wanted to let you in on some 411 though. You may want to do something about that ghastly looking box you hide this gem in.
Seriously, you can just wrap it up in some clear wrap so people can see what they are buying. It’s pretty enough to pass on without a box, and you’re better off.
The box itself is nothing spectacular, and for marketing purposes you may want to work on that. It’s too plain. You put so much effort into the bottle, why stop there?
Other than that though, this fragrance is a 5 star product. I have no other complaints.
I have been recommending it to everyone and anyone who passes by and says ‘mmm what are you wearing?’
I of course send them your way Mrs.Taylor.
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