I can’t stop, I’m an addict, and I need help. I know, I am aware of it; I’m ashamed (not really).
I don’t want to brag (okay maybe a little) but my bathroom is starting to look like a Bath and Body Works outlet store. It’s getting ridiculous, and members of my family are getting annoyed because there is no room for their (pathetic) shower products. (Oh well, throw them out!) Thinking of using those cheap pathetic products on my skin makes me cringe. I don’t even want them sitting next to my princess’s.
Anyways, I fell in love with Bath & Body Works Temptations back in February, when I first discovered them. I have never loved lotions, but when I first used Cinnamon Bun Heaven Temptations lotion, I knew I had to seek out the 3 in 1 bath product as well.
3 in 1 products are basically a shampoo, a body wash, and a bubble bath all squished together in one bottle.
The 16oz bottle cost me $12. I don’t know if they are selling them in the 4oz trial sizes anymore. I have yet to come across one, but they do retail for $5. And they do go on sale sometimes though; 4 for $10. I doubt you will come across this one though.
It comes in a clear see thru plastic bottle with a click cap. The product itself is a pearl like light beige.
Now usually I charge people a finder’s fee when I let them in on my bath secrets.
I want to be the only beautiful smelling one! So consider yourselves lucky I am sharing. (Tee-hee) You can find this product (obviously) at any local Bath & Body Works store. Or for those unfortunate ones who don’t have one nearby, you can always order it online at www.Bathandbodyworks.com
Cinnamon Bun Heaven smells DELISH! I mean mouth wateringly delish! I have never smelled a shower product so true to its name. Now don’t get me wrong, all Temptation products stand pretty true to their names given, but none quite take cake like Cinnamon Bun Heaven 3 in 1. It smells just like a cinnamon bun, and I want to eat it.
Yum, oh yum, drooling delicious cinnamon bun ooey gooey yum. Yeah that’s sort of what it is like.
Cinnamon Bun Heaven when used as a body wash creates a nice lather, and you really don’t need to use more than a quarter sized amount to get a good lather going. The lather itself is nothing special, but I didn’t mind, the smell made up for where the lather lacked.
- However when I dried off, so did Cinnamon Bun Heaven. The scent was no longer present, and it made me sad. But at the same time not too sad. If I smelled this one any longer my stomach would have started to growl.
I have been fortunate with all Temptations 3 in 1’s used as bubble baths.
I got a decent sized amount from Cinnamon Bun Heaven as well as I did with all of the 3 in 1’s I have tried. The bubbles are nothing to go crazy over, and they definitely are not spilling out of the tub. But for me, they’re all right. The bubbles also smell of the product, so this is a major plus for me. They last for the majority, a good 15 to 20 minutes.
All Temptation 3 in 1s when used as shampoo never do a good job. In fact most of them have made my hair feel dry and thirsty for a moisturizer. I usually follow up with a deep conditioner and all is well.
Cinnamon Bun Heaven did the same. It dried out my hair, and made it unmanageable.
However it’s a rare treat when a Temptation scent stays with you, and this is exactly what Cinnamon Bun Heaven did for me. I was able to smell the scent all throughout my hair after drying.
This is the second temptation product where the scent has actually stood with me. So I was excited. Usually after using a 3 in 1 you cannot smell it on you at all. This one was a winner.
ALL THE LOVIN', WITHOUT THE OVEN. If there were cinnamon buns within a city block, she could find them. She was mesmerized by the spicy swirls and fell into a sweet, hypnotic dream every time she gazed at them. And if that weren't enough–she couldn't resist the warm, delicious icing. Yes, icing! So much icing, so little time. Perhaps that would be her downfall.
Cinnamon Bun Heaven 3 in 1 is an extremely realistic smelling bath product. I’m not even a fan of cinnamon buns and I love this one. I honestly think anyone who gives this one a sniff test will be hooked.
I would say yes, go out and buy this one before it’s gone. Many Bath & Body Works products are discontinued after awhile, so I would advise to get yours now.
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