I’m sure there would be a cool tingle sensation on your skin if you were to pour mouthwash or toothpaste all over yourself during a nice warm shower.
This is exactly what Demon In The Dark reminded me of. Washing myself with toothpaste.
Aside from its attractive cool name, Demon In The Dark is soap from Lush. The name was what almost made me purchase it on my last lush online shopping spree, but the price kept me away.
Luck was on my side with my latest shipment. Lush threw in a decent sized sample of it into my order.
Lush says that beneath the black wax exterior lurks a refreshing apple juice and mint soap explosion of devious proportions. It will terrorize you from the depths of drowsiness unleashing a revitalized you form a previously comatose state. *Remove before use.
My free sample didn’t come with this black wax the description speaks of. The soap itself was interesting, and it reminded me of an expensive marble counter top.
The initial color of the soap was a mossy dark green. Swirls of light green ran through the soap along with some white odd shaped pieces in between. Overall it was a pretty spectacular looking piece of soap.
My sample came in a small plastic wrap with the Lush deli wrap sticker. Nothing filled out on it (as usual). Usually Lush employees will leave a signature mark, or leave an expiration date on your soap. I have yet to see this and it’s starting to get on my nerves.
Uch! When I opened the wrap the scent smacked me right in the face. God, it was…it t’was…toothpaste soap poisoning!
Not just any toothpaste, but Crest ultra white toothpaste to be precise. Ah, yes and a mix of mouthwash with some spearmint gum. SICK! I didn’t smell any apple juice or apple scent for that matter. Guess my sample missed out?
Now if I wanted to wash myself off with mouthwash I would have. Why on earth would Lush produce such an odd scent? I was baffled, yet the scent, minty strong and toothpastey had to be used.
I for some reason do not like wasting things, even if I don’t happen to be in love with them.
The scent was horrendous in the shower. It reminded me of the days when my dad would come home drunk and reeking of mouthwash to try to cover up the scent of booze.
It also reminded me of what I already stated, toofis pasteis. Nasty!
This scent is meant for my mouth to freshen my breath. Lets see if it freshens my body.
This is not a scent a girly girl would like; I would say that Demon In The Dark is more of a masculine scent.
Hmm… yes, it gave me a little cooling tingle. Just as I thought it would. Yet why am I not impressed?
For one, the scent is too much, secondly, the lather is too little, and thirdly it’s melting really, really fast.
After drying off, I could still detect spearmint gum all over me. But now the scent wasn’t as overpowering and I was able to tolerate it. As time went on and I began to fully dry I could feel a tightening sensation in my skin. I worried that maybe this soap would dry out my drier parts and really make a mess of my skin. But it didn’t so I was okay with it.
Moisturization wasn’t superb, but at least it didn’t dry my skin out.
*People with dry skin may want to avoid this one however. My skin is combination dry/oily. More oily than dry though. So it worked fine for me. Any other skin types may want to be wary.
Scent was a bit too much for me, but it did make my skin feel nice, tight, clean and yes, refreshed.
However at the price of $7.50 for a 3.5oz bar I will pass it up on future Lush online orders.
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