My lovely cousin gave me a fruit basket; only none of it was edible. All of my fruit were philosophy fruits, and my what a collection I got!
Peach has never been one of my favorite scents to use in the shower, for some reason it always turns my stomach, so I saved this one in the back of the basket and waited quite some time before I was feeling peachy, and gave it a try.
What Is It?
It is a 3 in 1 bath product in the scent of peach from Philosophy. You can use it as shampoo, bubble bath, or as body wash.
The bottle itself is white, with a gorgeous realistic 3D peach on the cover. Its attractive, I’ll give it that. Above the pretty picture of the each the words ‘be a peach’.
I didn’t ask her how much she spent, but I’m batting she either grabbed this whole collection up for dirt cheap at her job, or she hit the jackpot at a yard sale. (This sort of jackpot is not uncommon while yard sale hunting where I am from)
Anyhow, on the philosophy site this exact bottle is being sold for $16 for 16oz. Okay a buck an ounce. Not too bad.
Or so I thought… until I smelled it.
It reminded me of peaches yes, but they lacked that juicy fresh oomph that I was expecting for such a pricey bottle. I have mouth watered from bath product scents before, and much cheaper prices too. This one though it was for me it was borderline ok/blah.
Eh oh well, I used it anyway.
I applied it to my wet hair first, and then moved on to my shower pouf.
The gel itself is a pearly peachy color, and I only needed a quarter-sized amount on my shower pouf. The smell was lingering in the air, but again it was a dull scented peachy smell that lingered. There was nothing special about it, and yes, this was the fake peach scent garbage that always turns my stomach.
The lather was thick and created a lot of ‘loose’ type bubbles. It was not luscious, nor silky or moisturizing feeling.
Blah. I rinsed off, and it left no greasy feelings of residue behind, so it passed in that department.
My hair felt nice though after rinsing it out. I find a lot of Philosophy’s 3 in 1’s used as shampoo as enjoyable. But gag! The scent!
Luckily the scent left me as soon as I dried off. This was not a scent I would want sticking around continuing to turn my tum.
I refused to step foot into this one. Usually I enjoy my baths but the scent was not my cup of tea. But I ran this one under the water just to see how it preformed in the bubble-making department solely for this review.
Bubbles popped up the moment water hit them, and the scent hit the air in full sickening bloom. However they began popping just as quickly as they began popping up.
After the tub was filled I had a small layer of duds… I mean suds. They died out in less than 5 minutes.
I just was not impressed with this at all. As a matter of fact most of the products I have tried from this supposedly reputable company has failed for me; scent wise. I do however enjoy them as shampoo for my hair type, but honestly it’s nothing a shampoo from a dollar store can’t do.
To each his own really. It smells like fake peaches, failed 2 out of 3 tests. As far as hydrating my skin goes it failed there too.
It’s also way too expensive for what it gives back, which isn’t very much at all.
-Review also seen on Epi
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